Submission #2560144

Source Code Expand

import java.util.*;

public class Main{
    static List<Edge>[] edge;
    static int[][] vmax;
    static int n,m;
    static ArrayDeque<Integer> q = new ArrayDeque<>();
    static boolean[] used;
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        int inf = (int)1e9;
        n = Integer.parseInt(;
        m = Integer.parseInt(;
        Prim pr = new Prim(n);
        for(int i=0; i<m; i++){
            int a = Integer.parseInt(;
            int b = Integer.parseInt(;
            int c = Integer.parseInt(;
            pr.addEdge(a, b, c);
        long all = pr.prim();
        edge = pr.getNewEdge();
        vmax = new int[n][n];
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
            Arrays.fill(vmax[i], -1);
        used = new boolean[n];
        int q = Integer.parseInt(;
        for(int i=0; i<q; i++){
            int s = Integer.parseInt(;
            int t = Integer.parseInt(;
            System.out.println(all - maxv(s,t));
    public static int maxv(int s, int t){
        int max = 0;
        Arrays.fill(used, false);
        while(q.size() != 0){
            int now = q.pollFirst();
            used[now] = true;
            for(int i=0; i<edge[now].size(); i++){
                Edge e = edge[now].get(i);
                vmax[s][] = Math.max(vmax[s][now], e.cost);
                if(vmax[s][] == -1){
                    vmax[s][] = max;
                    vmax[][s] = max;
                if(vmax[s][t] != -1){
                    return vmax[s][t];
        return vmax[s][t];

class Prim{
    public static int n;
    private static List<Edge>[] edge;
    private static List<Edge>[] newEdge;
    public static final int inf = (int)10e9;
    public Prim(int n){
        this.n = n;
        edge = new List[n];
        newEdge = new List[n];
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
            edge[i] = new ArrayList<>();
            newEdge[i] = new ArrayList<>();
    public long prim(){
        boolean[] check = new boolean[n];
        Queue<Edge> q = new PriorityQueue<>();
        q.add(new Edge(0,0,0));//だみー
        long res = 0;
            Edge e = q.poll();
            check[] = true;
            res += e.cost;
            addNewEdge(e.from,, e.cost);
        return res;
    public void addEdge(int from, int to, int cost){
        edge[from].add(new Edge(from, to, cost));
        edge[to].add(new Edge(to, from, cost));
    private void addNewEdge(int from, int to, int cost){
        newEdge[from].add(new Edge(from, to, cost));
        newEdge[to].add(new Edge(to, from, cost));
    public List<Edge>[] getNewEdge(){
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
        edge = null;
        return newEdge;

class Edge implements Comparable<Edge>{
    public int from = 0;
    public int to = 0;
    public int cost = 0;
    public Edge(int from, int to, int cost) {
        this.from = from; = to;
        this.cost = cost;
    public int compareTo(Edge o) {
        return this.cost - o.cost;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task A - Graph
User sca1l
Language Java8 (OpenJDK 1.8.0)
Score 0
Code Size 4039 Byte
Status WA
Exec Time 3164 ms
Memory 354860 KB

Compile Error

Note: ./ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

Judge Result

Set Name Sample subtask1 subtask2 All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 0 / 200 0 / 300 0 / 200
AC × 2
AC × 10
MLE × 2
AC × 11
WA × 3
MLE × 7
AC × 13
WA × 3
TLE × 8
MLE × 7
Set Name Test Cases
Sample sample_1.txt, sample_2.txt
subtask1 sample_2.txt, subtask_1_1.txt, subtask_1_10.txt, subtask_1_11.txt, subtask_1_2.txt, subtask_1_3.txt, subtask_1_4.txt, subtask_1_5.txt, subtask_1_6.txt, subtask_1_7.txt, subtask_1_8.txt, subtask_1_9.txt
subtask2 sample_1.txt, sample_2.txt, subtask_1_1.txt, subtask_1_10.txt, subtask_1_11.txt, subtask_1_2.txt, subtask_1_3.txt, subtask_1_4.txt, subtask_1_5.txt, subtask_1_6.txt, subtask_1_7.txt, subtask_1_8.txt, subtask_1_9.txt, subtask_2_1.txt, subtask_2_2.txt, subtask_2_3.txt, subtask_2_4.txt, subtask_2_5.txt, subtask_2_6.txt, subtask_2_7.txt, subtask_2_8.txt
All sample_1.txt, sample_2.txt, sample_1.txt, sample_2.txt, subtask_1_1.txt, subtask_1_10.txt, subtask_1_11.txt, subtask_1_2.txt, subtask_1_3.txt, subtask_1_4.txt, subtask_1_5.txt, subtask_1_6.txt, subtask_1_7.txt, subtask_1_8.txt, subtask_1_9.txt, subtask_2_1.txt, subtask_2_2.txt, subtask_2_3.txt, subtask_2_4.txt, subtask_2_5.txt, subtask_2_6.txt, subtask_2_7.txt, subtask_2_8.txt, subtask_3_1.txt, subtask_3_2.txt, subtask_3_3.txt, subtask_3_4.txt, subtask_3_5.txt, subtask_3_6.txt, subtask_3_7.txt, subtask_3_8.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
sample_1.txt AC 92 ms 19156 KB
sample_2.txt AC 92 ms 18636 KB
subtask_1_1.txt AC 147 ms 22996 KB
subtask_1_10.txt AC 977 ms 116952 KB
subtask_1_11.txt AC 92 ms 21844 KB
subtask_1_2.txt AC 551 ms 115300 KB
subtask_1_3.txt MLE 1463 ms 247364 KB
subtask_1_4.txt AC 334 ms 122140 KB
subtask_1_5.txt AC 324 ms 122512 KB
subtask_1_6.txt AC 741 ms 149240 KB
subtask_1_7.txt MLE 1423 ms 249716 KB
subtask_1_8.txt AC 327 ms 120596 KB
subtask_1_9.txt AC 370 ms 116104 KB
subtask_2_1.txt MLE 1885 ms 245424 KB
subtask_2_2.txt MLE 1867 ms 246280 KB
subtask_2_3.txt MLE 1855 ms 250332 KB
subtask_2_4.txt MLE 1867 ms 248704 KB
subtask_2_5.txt WA 753 ms 157612 KB
subtask_2_6.txt WA 969 ms 163844 KB
subtask_2_7.txt WA 1144 ms 166736 KB
subtask_2_8.txt MLE 1926 ms 249408 KB
subtask_3_1.txt TLE 3163 ms 331576 KB
subtask_3_2.txt TLE 3164 ms 328872 KB
subtask_3_3.txt TLE 3163 ms 270776 KB
subtask_3_4.txt TLE 3162 ms 291772 KB
subtask_3_5.txt TLE 3163 ms 314548 KB
subtask_3_6.txt TLE 3158 ms 354860 KB
subtask_3_7.txt TLE 3164 ms 335012 KB
subtask_3_8.txt TLE 3163 ms 331112 KB